Big Data (Generic)

The Big Data solution consists of an Azure Hadoop port and/or Microsoft SQL Server PDW. Big Data adoption is usually triggered by: Very large volumes of data. These usually originate in either financial data (transaction level), device data (IoT) or Social media data (twitter, facebook etc). Diverse content formats. Most of the organization’s knowledge base is […]

Internet of Things (IOT) for Retail

IoT can impact retail in many different ways. We mention here a summary of ways the internet of things can help the retail industry. These are just high level ideas that should get a conversation going: Tags RFID tags Keep track of inventory and movement. Since RFID tags can be scanned wirelessly you can track […]

Marketing (Customer) Intelligence

This solution builds a customer focused dashboard showing critical information used by marketing departments to report off their sales and marketing performance. The Dashboard can be used directly by departments of end clients or can be serviced OEM through marketing agencies to end-clients. Sentiment analysis: Sentiment analysis analyzes  your presence on social media (facebook, twitter […]

Campaign Management System

The solution is capable enough to keep track of intensely and rapidly evolving marketing campaigns. Solution offers better development and execution of digital marketing campaigns while analyzing market trends, reactions and interests of targeted audience. Campaign analysis: Solution analyze all the features of marketing campaigns including email marketing, direct mail, events, Ad campaigns, Social media […]

Business Intelligence (Generic)

The business intelligence solution provides a framework that enables presentation of raw data from various systems into meaningful and useful reports that can be used to better run businesses.  It features a series of dashboards usually representing departments or functional groups within an organization. The dashboards allow the group to get on the same page […]

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Solution is recommended for Search Engine Optimization, provides guidance and tools to get higher ranks on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing etc. Also it helps to overcome competitors in pretty good fashion. The user-friendly, web-based solution is available online and does not require any installations. The solution help primilary with Keyword rankings: Solution facilitates users to […]

Social Media Marketing Tools

Solution helps to manage social media campaigns, provides guidance and tools to deal with all famous social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, YouTube, Foursquare, Myspace, Flickr etc. The user-friendly, web-based solution is available online and does not require any installations Scheduled posts and tweets: The solution takes care of user’s time and provide facility to […]

Conference (Event) Management System

The Event management system enables event and venue management firms to manage their customer facing web presence. The features enable you to quickly get the venue prepped for new events and adds value by adding enhancing customer experience and reducing the time it takes to ramp up a new event. The application provides a configurable […]

Ad Management Solution

The solution is an inclusive platform for digital marketing through ad management. It has ability to focus ontargeted audience accurately and produce improved return on investment and generates revenues. It also provides instantaneous analytical reports about campaigns you run to get higher rank on search engines. Formats and Dimensions: Solution is rich enough to display different formats of online advertisement […]

Real Estate Sales and Marketing System

Imagine a solution that learns and makes intelligent decisions to capture leads on external web sites, (not just your own) to route leads to agents based on region. Solution helps to manage leads, build lasting customer relationships and convert more prospects to purchasers. It automates tracked lead routing in one place to stay on top […]