Bring Data to DevOps

“Better manage dynamic, cloud-native environments and deliver exceptional end-user experiences armed with technical agility, speed, and deep insights”

Azure DevOps Server is a Microsoft product that provides version control, reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, testing, and release management capabilities. It covers the entire application life-cycle and enables DevOps capabilities.

DevOps fosters a stronger partnership between development and operations. It aims to bring greater efficiency to the entire software development and operations life-cycle aimed to.

DevOps is the blend of practices and tool-set that allows organizations to improve efficiency and productivity in delivery value, to the business at a higher pace. The platform enables teams to quickly adapt to changing environments such that businesses can quickly pivot in the business direction.

In the custom software development process, DevOps saves valuable time without pledging the quality of work. It is important in DevOps to achieve goals and targets so that the workflow direction would be better. It also helps the project to run smoothly and helps the team to work in a collaborative manner. All the crucial operations of the project coordinate and factor in all the dynamic changes in the custom software development process.

Allied Consultant’s team manages the relationship between operations and development to ensure that everything runs smoothly throughout the entire life-cycle of the software – from design to development to production support.

Benefits of DevOps

Speed in Delivery

The concept of continuous delivery ensures timely and faster delivery of the project. It also presents reduced chances of errors because of early detection. The DevOps platform allows your business owners and developers to get these results. For example, continuous integration lets team to bring high business value features quicker to production. 


Promote feature changes, new highlights, and innovation foundation changes with quality and reliability through Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.

Improved Collaboration with Scale

DevOps platform goes about as a Glue for cross-team collaboration. Such a glue promotes proprietorship and responsibility as work units are associated with necessities for improvement to testing and delivery. Such a network that is discernibility, encourages receptiveness and responsibility empowering a synergistic situation instead of ill will across groups. Since all the group’s objective is to carry an incentive to clients, when the stage turns into a storehouse of realities, there is no contention in what turned out badly, subsequently improving the proficiency and efficiency.


DevOps does not sacrifice security; in fact, it improves security through the use of automated testing, code scanning, compliance policies, fine-grained controls, and configuration management. For example, the platform enables you to define and then track compliance at scale.

Why Adopt a DevOps Practice

With DevOps, teams together optimize the productivity and efficiency of the team in delivering value to the business through improving the quality of services and experiences to customers. As a team, members take full ownership of delivering value to business by solving end customer’s needs rather than each individual focus on their responsibilities stated on their roles or titles.

We improve and encourage tight integration among the various teams that composes in delivering products. The goal here is to reduce the blame game among teams; to encourage a focus on problems and solving those problems as a team.

DevOps stack with tightly integrated chain provides information at the tip of your mouse which provides real-time information where the problem lies. This integrated environment enables teams to quickly identify the problem and fix them.

Agility and Automation 

An organization can innovate faster through automating and streamlining the software development and management processes. Our properly tight integrated tool-set enables an organization to achieve that goal. As the platform the tool-set automates processes, a team can focus on solving high-value business problems.

With the tool-set in place, the organization can focus on agility by breaking problems into smaller chunks that are frequently pushed to production. The small but frequent updates achieve few goals 

  • New or fix features available to the customer quicker

  • Reduces the risk of breaking working features that is less likely to introduce new bugs

  • Easy to get customer feedback on a small change.

Delivery MethodologyThe DevOps delivery model lies in the robust coordination between development and operations teams.
Code DevelopmentThe DevOps team tends to favor the unpredictable code change rate and code deployments.
Reaction to ChangeThe DevOps approach is open to change as development and operations teams sit together and arrive on effective consensus to address the change.
Change EntityThe DevOps team works around the code to bring about the change they intend to bring.
Service ApproachThe DevOps approach involves in enriching the business value of the organization.


  • Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Continuous deployment (CD)

  • Monitoring & logging

  • Continuous code production and deployment

  • Operate

  • Monitor


  • Azure Boards

  • Azure Pipelines

  • Azure Repos

  • Azure Test Plans

  • Azure Artifacts