
Azure Logic App Basics

Welcome to the course Logic app Basics.

The First question is it, why you should use logic app? Logic app is extremely simple and has a very powerful work flow which is managed by Microsoft Azure.

Through logic app you can create serverless architecture through web designers that freezes you from worrying about Building Hosting, Scaling and managing your solutions.

In addition to this, there are over 200+ plus built in Microsoft managing connectors which insures that anything you need to connect with cloud is going to have a connector. It also provides the ability to create custom connectors for any of the connector that may not exist in azure.

You can publish those custom connectors for public use. Logic App provides powerful architecture for logging and tracking.

You can check its run history, trigger history, status and performances as well. We can also set up diagnostic logging for real time event monitoring. It has a server-less architecture that means no resource management is needed.

Serverless architecture:

  • It automatically handles resources management. You do not need to set up additional virtual machines.
  • Another component of serverless architecture is automatic scaling.
  • It will simply detect that there is need to expand load.It provides high availability, with logic apps you do not need to plan for high availability or fail over.
  • Another most amazing thing about logic apps is that, you pay only for what you use. Execution of actions within your logic app will be responsible for pricing. If your logic app sets their ideal then there won’t be any changes.

Let’s talk about the components of logic app.


  • First one is trigger. It initiates and triggers the logic app process. When the file is received, it triggers the logic app and it has one more action.
  • Connector are responsible for all the communication with third parties like getting threats from sending emails. Connectors are shared across the logic app.
  • You do not have to worry about maintaining these Inside the logic app, you have several options.
    For workflow it includes Do -Until for each or even simple decision.


Hassan Askari