Vision , Mission And Values
Allied Consultants was started 80 years ago as a legal consulting firm. Although we have diversified into IT consulting in recent years, however our core values remain the formation of a just and fair organization.
We operate on a principle of greater good and use that in all our company policy decision making. We operate as a non-profit because we feel that maximizes gain for our customers and our employees.
Our guiding principles are open access to information, proportional reward and a clear and proportional recognition of merit. We also believe that it’s important for this recognition to be causal to the activities so as to naturally reinforce desirable behavior.
We recognize that we are a people company and that they are our biggest asset. We thus aim to address all their needs as they grow and develop in their careers. Detailed career training and mentoring ensures that people achieve the best they can and, in return, enable others around them. We wish to grow organically as a company by enabling our people to grow. The tree in our logo represents that.
We believe that these values will help us attract the best talent available in the markets helping us deliver the best possible quality of service to our customers. At Allied we believe that solutions to problems constitute primarily of smart people, owning a problem.
Why Allied
Our Values Are Guiding Principals We USe To Make Decision
We understand the only way to deliver genuine value to our customers is focusing on the problem, hiring the right people and empowering them to solve it.
As a company, we pass on most of the revenue to the consultants involved with that customer. This results in a deep rooted connection between the consultants and the customer, aligning the customer’s motivations and priorities with the consultants reward and re-numeration.
This approach means that we don’t have to struggle with problems of conventional profit-oriented companies. We don’t spend excessively on expansion since that occurs organically with expanding accounts. We don’t waste as much on reckless or unnecessary spending since people consider expense to be their own and the loss to be a personal loss. We don’t spend excessively on marketing our services. We feel motivated consultants doing a good job are probably the best marketing channel for us. Bad consultants get voted out of the company naturally through the elaborate evaluation, training and project selection process.
Most important to us is that every consultant OWNS the customer’s problems because it is in his direct interest to do so. Our vision, practices and procedures are geared towards ensuring that this ownership remains in-tact even as we grow.
Company Profile
We Made Our Partners 2 Million Dollars In 2014
Allied Consultants Scale To Any Size
Web 2.0 is the collective realization of how effectively web can be used as a platform to interact with not only content but applications and other users on the web. Web 2.0 provides a platform to harness collective knowledge which continues to become more and more people-centric.
Business processes within an enterprise are also becoming more and more people-centric to maximize employee productivity. The application of Web 2.0 within the context of an enterprise evolved into Enterprise 2.0 which has subsequently transformed into what we know as Organization 2.0 now.
IT Incubator
- Experts network from around the world
- Allied Entreprenuership fund and network
- Sales and Marketing
- HR (Hiring, Evaluation, Training)
- Accounts (Company registration, book-keeping)
80%Share Point
80%Node JS
80%Need Consultation?
We believe in CUTTING EDGE SOLUTIONS and are committed to YOUR SUCCESS
be deeply integrated into the existing
tech environment..
be deeply integrated into the existing
tech environment..
be deeply integrated into the existing
tech environment..
be deeply integrated into the existing
tech environment..