Allied Consultants Scale To Any Size
Web 2.0 is the collective realization of how effectively web can be used as a platform to interact with not only content but applications and other users on the web. Web 2.0 provides a platform to harness collective knowledge which continues to become more and more people centered. Business processes within an enterprise are also becoming more and more people centric to maximize employee productivity. The application of Web 2.0 within the context of an enterprise evolved into Enterprise 2.0 which has subsequently transformed into what we know as Organization 2.0 now. SharePoint is the industry leading enterprise platform driving Organization 2.0 adoption. SharePoint has been evolving its features and services to support this evolving shift it in organizational workings. A couple of lines mentioning how our experienced consultants have been following this shift and helped organizations implement SharePoint.

Allied Consultants Scale To Any Size

A low-risk track to building Business Intelligence and Integration practices for Xelleration.

Finance focused management consulting expand its portfolio to find 1.3 Million in new business.

Custom broker accessed a 1 trillion dollar market automating the customs import process
Partnership Resource Center
Finance focused management consulting expand its portfolio to find 1.3 Million in new business.
- Reduce their Operating Costs
- Maintain a smaller permanent force, hire for permanent-sustained need and contract out the rest to partners within the umbrella
- Expand their portfolio to add new revenue streams and new geographies.
- Add diversity of product to their portfolio. Rather than focus on one specific thing they can offer more options to the customer
- Lock out the competition through the extended range of opportunities
- Extend the longevity of the relationships with clients (mgmt. consultants projects are usually small)
- Reduce risks associated with project execution and NEW practice development
- Failure/bench time is not that expensive
- Expand more aggressively
- Access to a larger talent pool

Hybrid Solutions
Pragmatic hybrid solutions using existing BI investments in parallel with emerging Hadoop/NoSQL/InMemory technologies.

Business Assessment and Data Science
Discover where you stand in terms of data maturity and what value your organization can derive from existing and emerging data.

Design and Implement
Design, architecture and Implementation in the Microsoft Big Data and Open Source Hadoop Stack.

Presentation of data through collaborative, secure and mobile-ready portals.