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Update your music album seamlessly. PopCatcher windows app developed in Microsoft Silverlight. This Swedish app separates music from DJ-talk and commercials make it possible for user to enjoy free music. The app is available for Windows and Android.

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Steamers is a cross platform app developed in React Native which runs on Steam Blockchain. Steam is the leading blockchain for Social Media which rewards people for sharing their pictures and experiences. Steamers is a travel specific app which allows users to share their traveling experiences and earn Steam coins in return. You can compare it will Instagram – take a picture, post it and wait for people to comment or like your post. All pictures/stories you post using this App are also posted on the main SteemIt.com portal.

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CryptoArties is a cross platform app developed in React Native which runs on Ethereum Blockchain. It allows users to upload their art pieces and sell them in a marketplace. Potential buyers acquire shares of these artwork in the form of ERC20 tokens. Ethereum Blockchain helps in keeping track of the Provenance history of the artwork and in the process democratize the sale and purchase of digital artworks without the fear of theft. Galleries can setup events to sell the artwork and buyers can view the artwork in page to purchase shares.

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Karma: Customer Loyalty App

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BEPP: Blockchain based SM App

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ColorBug: AR Coloring App

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