Automated Data Ingestion Process for Real-Time Insights using Azure Data Stack
Location: United States, California
Industry: Energy / Renewable Energy
Business Functions:
- Business Development
- Engineering
- Analysis
- Information Technology
- Finance
- Operations
- Quality Assurance
- Support

Being the market leader, Opinion Dynamics provides accurate and hands-on information to its clients (energy companies) to ensure cost reduction and mitigate the use of fuel alternatives. OD was facing several following problems:
- Foreseeing the impact of short term asset values on the grid station
- Detecting the possible outage via smart meter events
- Finding the outages in specific areas
- Identification of the peak time
Allied helped the client with data management and data engineering services as solution to their issues. Specific solutions were as follows:
- Azure data factory to fetch the data from the energy industries using web services and ShareFile
- Big data solution on Azure data bricks using pyspark
- Used Machine learning algorithms like linear regression to forecast the values and trends of energy consumption analysis
- Analyzed more than the 300GB dataset in the energy sector
- Execution of parallel threading on the data science projects via Python Code
- Power App integration with Power BI to get the input on run time from the user
- Geocodio API to get US census data and analyze the areas specific energy consumption
- Developed the azure function script to fetch the run time data from Geocodio API according to user requirements
- Embedded, deployed and generated the power BI reports on WordPress and site.
Results / Benefits:
- Accurate and hands-on information regarding energy and its consumption
- Benefits on analysis on Charging and grid stations like 28% of EV owners are “overnight chargers”, 52% are low-level chargers, etc.
- Data engineering process to reduce energy costs and mitigate the use of alternative fuels
- Billing cost reduced up to 40% using different technology on Azure or open source
Tech Stack:
- Azure Data Factory
- PySpark
- Azure data lake
- Dask – for parallel processing
- Scikit-Learn
- Power BI
- Power App
- Python
- Azure Data Bricks
- Numpy
- Core
- Pandas
- Azure Functions
- Power BI embedded
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