Herbalife Migrates on-premise Infrastructure to Azure Cloud

Location: USA

Industry: ‎Multi-level Marketing


The company had all of its data/systems on premise and dedicated an entire building section for its servers and on-premise Biztalk products. The company planned to upgrade their system by migrating on-premises BizTalk Server to cloud with highly available setup. The aim was to switch to a server-less model allowing the company to create new apps in hours and days instead of weeks and months.

The company maintained the data locally. They had to hire IT personnel to manually manage the servers. If the company moved to the cloud, its flexibility would increase.

Some problems which Herbalife was facing included:


Allied Consultants migrated the customer’s BizTalk projects and BizTalk & SQL Server infrastructure to Azure Cloud as VMs and SQL Server Always-on Availability cluster.

Second step in the solution was to migrate Herbalife’s existing data and SQL Jobs from on-premises SQL Servers to the Cloud SQL Servers.

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