Automating Student Enrollment | Higher Education

Location: USA

Industry: Higher Education


One of its key processes, the student course enrollment, took plenty of man-hours and needless steps to complete. The process consisted of multiple forms and approval levels which resulted in slowing down the end-to-end process to approximately one week. 

The generic PDF form that the admin staff used went through the following steps for each course type thus making it cumbersome and time-consuming to get the final approval:


We replaced the college’s existing paper-based and multi-step enrollment process with a common electronic form that its staff now used to create & approve course enrollments. 

Our K2 development team created a common form for all course types based on a common workflow to handle multiple approvals for 20+ courses. 

The common form incorporated all the common functions involved in the enrollment of each course, and logic for non-common forms (and enrollment types) was also coded into the workflow.  

We provided the front desk staff access to an admin level form. Based on predetermined conditions like a student’s prior degree level and certain other parameters, the front desk staff assigned electronic course application forms for various programs (undergraduate, graduate, pre-college, and professional), had the forms filled and returned electronically followed by an automated approval workflow.  

We also integrated the new K2-based form to fetch student and course data from a 3rd party student and course information management system that the college was already used.

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