Big Data for Retail

“58 % of retailers described big data as “extremely important” to their organization; 36% called it “important.” Nearly 70 % said that the impetus for big data is to maintain competitiveness, and 82% agree that big data is changing the way they interact with and relate to customers”. (Accenture Analytics Survey, 2014)

Big Data (Generic)

The Big Data solution consists of an Azure Hadoop port and/or Microsoft SQL Server PDW. Big Data adoption is usually triggered by: Very large volumes of data. These usually originate in either financial data (transaction level), device data (IoT) or Social media data (twitter, facebook etc). Diverse content formats. Most of the organization’s knowledge base is […]

Internet of Things (IOT) for Retail

IoT can impact retail in many different ways. We mention here a summary of ways the internet of things can help the retail industry. These are just high level ideas that should get a conversation going: Tags RFID tags Keep track of inventory and movement. Since RFID tags can be scanned wirelessly you can track […]

Connected Car – IOT Applications for Transportation

The connected car solution is a group of applications that deal with the scenario of a car connected to the internet. This is usually achieved through GSM, LTE, WiFi or Bluetooth. Devices that connected to the on-board diagnostics port of the car (OBD II ports)  can provide vitals on the car like fuel consumption. Accelerators can […]

Candidate Recruitment System

In a time when hundreds of resumes are submitted for just one job, applicant management is the key to narrowing down the candidate pool and finding the best-fit candidate for the job. The process: Requisitions are created online and electronically sent to the appropriate people for approval, with email notifications. Approved jobs are then posted […]

Inventory Management System (IMS)

Inventory Management System: The Inventory management system is the core of Supply chain automation. It automates and standardizes the procedures from the point of Sales/Purchase to Stock management and fix asset management and maintains a general ledger. It can be used by Retail, Manufacturing companies where goods are stocked for sale or alternatively in a Not-for-sale(Warehouse […]

Campaign Management System

The solution is capable enough to keep track of intensely and rapidly evolving marketing campaigns. Solution offers better development and execution of digital marketing campaigns while analyzing market trends, reactions and interests of targeted audience. Campaign analysis: Solution analyze all the features of marketing campaigns including email marketing, direct mail, events, Ad campaigns, Social media […]

Electronic Data Interchange – EDI Solution with your ERP

Adding EDI solution integration to your ERP system eliminates the slow, error-prone, and costly process of sending and receiving paper-based orders, invoices, and other documents. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is essentially the process of electronically exchanging business documents such as orders, invoices, and shipping information, between two companies without manual data entry or human intervention. Accuracy: errors […]

Tax Management System

The solution helps users define flexible tax rates and prepare tax returns accurately and mechanizes the reports and remittance process. It keeps track of each transaction and receipts of amount paid to authorities. Followings are the main features: Flexible Tax Configuration: Solution helps to automate taxes like Property, Sales, Withholding, VAT and Reverse VAT taxes. […]