Logic Apps

Logic Apps Training – A Beginner’s Guide

Logic Apps Overview

Logic Apps is a tool for integration solutions that offers scalability for apps & devices on the cloud. Logic apps do this by offering a visual programming interface for developers to solve any kind of business problem. The basic concept in logic apps is a trigger, which is similar to any action that prompts a series of actions to follow. As the trigger initiates, it causes a sequence of actions to take place based on the condition logic. Before that, connectors help along with triggers to complete the whole action based on conditions set by the user. Connectors are similar to an account on Dropbox etc.

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What Logic Apps Offers

Logic apps boast many advantages over other integration solutions. Firstly, it offers an easy-to-use visual programming tool for designing solutions. Secondly, with the help of cloud service as Microsoft Azure (which is Microsoft’s Infrastructure as a Service), Logic apps enable you to connect systems varying inhomogeneity across systems situated in brick-and-mortar businesses as well as those on the cloud. Thirdly, it comes off as having a similar nature to other integration solution platforms such as BizTalk server possessing top-notch and seasoned integration support.

Read Azure Logic Apps vs. BizTalk: A comparison between old and new integration platforms

Creating a Logic App

So it all starts with a trigger that enables your workflow to get going. I will assume you already possess an Azure account. Use that to sign in to the Azure portal and click the Enterprise Integration Option. It will breed a variety of options, among that choose Logic Apps. After sorting out shown Azure resources in the next menu, hop onto the create button and click it. Congrats!! You just created your first logic apps app!! From thereon just select Blank Logic App. The visual programming interface will pop up which will provide you with a variety of triggers that will be used in the logic apps workflow. 


You can begin the full logic apps training, by clicking on the link below:

Logic Apps Tutorial

Read Key Highlights of Logic Apps Version 2 (V2)


Hassan Askari