
Peopleware Demo Video

A Professional Services tool enabling users to – Create and Plan tasks – Log hours against these tasks – Track what deliverables got produced from these tasks – What skills were used/are required against tasks – Developing a user skill profile – Develop an accurate company skill profile and track its change over time – […]

Blog Evaluation Integration IT PM

Microsoft’s SQL Server: 27 features of SQL Server 2014 that you don’t find in 2012 version

SQL Server is Microsoft’s flagship database product and has been in use for more than a decade. Microsoft recently announced to release SQL Server 2016 next year and has already released the preview version. The new 2016 release will have significant improvements in security features, in-memory OLTP, analytics and Stretch Database. Here is a list of […]

Biztalk Blog Execution (dev, test, release) Integration IT PM

Turning software services projects into products: Challenges, solutions and ideas

Idea in brief Making products out of projects is always a point of discussion in the software services firms. I have identified 8 major challenges and proposed their solutions. It is generally after 5-10 years of starting a consulting career that we feel this need. Initially passion attracts the IT consultants into the field; you […]

Blog Evaluation IT PM Management Consultants
Offshore Team Building

Offshore development: Guide to successful offshroe team building

Companies are increasingly trying to get the most out of their information technology dollars. Project managers can strategically support their companies by acquainting yourself with the various aspects of offshoring. This will prepare you for what to expect and help you be more effective in your interactions with an offshore team. 1. Assess competence First, […]

IT PM Management Consultants Sales

A Simple 3-steps Guide to Select the Right B2B IT Vendors

According to Gartner’s research published in April 2014, the worldwide ITO (Information technology Outsourcing) will consistently expand resulting in 5.9% compound annual growth rate from 2013 through 2018. Naturally, CIOs and ITPMs become the most important stakeholder in the decision to outsource their firm’s IT function. During the process of ITO, ITPMs prioritize their buying […]